21 July 2008


Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation wins big with ccmMercury!

July 24, 2008 --

In June and July of 2008, WorkDynamics took on the task of configuring three distinct databases for the Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation. These databases will help the SGC to better manage their workload and keep on top of their incoming information.

  • The Comment Tracking Database tracks the responses to comment cards submitted to the casino. SGC staffers respond to the questions and comments as required, and reports are run to determine what kinds of comments are given in an effort to continuously improve performance and customer service.

  • The Correspondence and Sponsorship System tracks the correspondence items that are received by the casino, including numerous sponsorship requests. The database allows the users to manage the preparation of responses.

  • The Event and Contact Management Database tracks who is invited to the various events held at the casino. The database is also used to store the contact information for each invitee. Invitations can be generated directly from the database.

The project entailed business analysis, database customization, training and start-up support and WorkDynamics is confident that the SGC will come out a winner with ccmMercury!


Happy Birthday, WDT!

July 21, 2008 --

Back in July 1998, WorkDynamics Technologies Incorporated acquired the CCM division of DOMUS Software. Now, 10 years later, we continue to serve our original correspondence management clients and we've expanded our business to include the management of many other kinds of business processes.

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank our customers for their continued support of the CCM product suite and of our company. Here's to the next 10 years!

16 July 2008


Canadian Heritage ccmMercury/RDIMS Implementation Successfully Completed

Over the past year and a half, WorkDynamics was instrumental in assisting the Department of Canadian Heritage in reviewing and revamping a variety of business processes for managing their correspondence, invitations and communications products while upgrading to ccmMercury from CCM Plus.

Canadian Heritage is responsible for national policies and programs that promote Canadian content, foster cultural participation, active citizenship and participation in Canada's civic life, and strengthen connections among Canadians.

Building upon the integration between ccmMercury and RDIMS, this particular project enabled the department to embrace the electronic management of documents, with the implementation of scanning paper documents. These and other electronic documents are managed in RDIMS, while their associated workflow, tracking their creation, approval and completion, is managed within ccmMercury. The use of these two solutions together allows users to see the complete history of a file from its origins to its completion, including all comments, routings and links to all related documents, each with their own history.

To ensure proper ongoing management of the business processes, WorkDynamics created custom training materials and associated documents, and provided intensive ccmMercury/RDIMS training to Canadian Heritage users across the country, ensuring that they were able to understand the improvements to their business processes and to properly use the software to its full advantage.